WITec Releases Suite SIX Software

Raman microscopy specialist WITec GmbH has introduced Suite SIX, the next stage in software for Raman and correlative measurement control, data acquisition and post-processing. Developed to enhance the already renowned configurability of the alpha300 microscope series, it offers multiple user profiles, regulatory compliance support and advanced sample navigation.

WITec Suite SIX. Image Credit: WITec GmbH

​​​​​​​Suite SIX’s multi-user management capability enables the site administrator to determine the instrument functionalities and data access rights associated with each system login. It also assists in efforts to comply with good practice (GxP) guidelines such as the US Food and Drug Administration’s 21 CFR Part 11. This is especially important for pharmaceutical research and development. Additionally, the software allows users to develop a library of distinct hardware setups to further streamline recurring experiments.

As described by Dr. Wolfram Ibach, Director of Software at WITec, “Suite SIX lets industrial facilities and research groups virtually customize the microscope for each individual user, with the appropriate feature set and data handling protocols. This accelerates the experimental workflow while ensuring compatibility with their training and standard operating procedures.”

TrueOrigin, Suite SIX’s portable coordinate system, locates measurement areas in relation to markers on a sample holder or features on the sample itself. This expedites the correlation of data acquired by multiple techniques from the same position, even when the sample is moved between instruments. It can also import images of a sample made with an external camera to navigate to an area of interest and for convenient project documentation.

“Anyone performing correlative measurements on multiple instruments knows how time-consuming it can be to find a particular area or feature after re-mounting a sample,” said Dr. Thomas Dieing, WITec Product Manager. “Our portable coordinate system automates that process so researchers can go right to the next measurement, even on another microscope.”

WITec Suite SIX is available now.

For more information, please visit the Suite SIX product page.

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