Jan 25 2005
Malvern Instruments’ Zetasizer Nano S combined static and dynamic light scattering instrument is optimized for the characterization of proteins in solution prior to crystallization.

This compact, easy to use system is designed for the rapid delivery of accurate and extensive information that can assist both in the screening of appropriate conditions for protein crystallization and in determining the likelihood of crystals being suitable for structure determination. Not only does the Zetasizer Nano automatically optimize all instrument settings for each sample but custom data reports and graphical data presentations make interpretation easier than ever before.
The Zetasizer Nano enables researchers to detect and quantify aggregation, determine the second virial coefficient to find the “crystallization sweet spot”, and quantify sample polydispersity to increase the likelihood of successful crystallization.
In addition it enables users to study the effect of temperature on monodispersity, and offers the ability to automate temperature studies, including melting point and thermal denaturation determinations.
It also allows estimation of prolate and oblate axial ratios and Perrin factor, as well as measurement of hydrodynamic diameter and absolute molecular weight.
Size measurements of proteins as small as 0.6 nm and 400 Da can be made in their native environments. As little as 12 microliters of sample is required and the sample is recoverable.
More information www.malvern.co.uk