The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is widely used in various fields of industry and science because it is one of the most versatile imaging and measurement instruments. SEMs allow users to see details 1,000 times smaller than a conventional microscope.
Each stage of the colorization process of an image of erythrocytes (red blood cells) using Mountains® 7.3 is shown above. Only one mouse click is necessary to pass from one step to another, whereas previously the same operation would have taken hours using photo editing software.
On the downside, images obtained by SEMs are two-dimensional and black and white (this is of course normal, as SEMs use electrons and not photons - or light rays - for visualization).
To make SEM images easier to interpret by the human eye, researchers spend hours "colorizing" their images manually before publishing them (in general, readers like a red blood cell to be red!)
This Monday, the international scientific and industrial community will have at its disposal a new tool developed by Digital Surf, Mountains® 7.3 software, which will enables colorization of an object with just one click of the mouse.
Each stage of the colorization process of an image of erythrocytes (red blood cells) using Mountains® 7.3 is shown above. Only one mouse click is necessary to pass from one step to another, whereas previously the same operation would have taken hours using photo editing software.
Behind this new easy-to-use and seemingly “magic” tool, Mountains® 7.3 software performs over 30 successive mathematical operations in order to distinguish different objects in the image.
In the previous 7.2 version of the software, Digital Surf had already made it possible for SEM users to turn their 2D images into 3D models, an operation that requires hundreds of billions of instructions for a microprocessor.
Digital Surf is now the only company on the market to provide a comprehensive software solution for processing SEM images, as well as single all-in-one software solution for analyzing data (surfaces and images) obtained by any type of microscope.
Mountains® 7.3 will be released this Monday, January 25, 2016. Digital Surf’s partners, including some of the leading SEM manufacturers, will be able to deliver this new ground-breaking version of the software to their users worldwide.
Watch the video: