Mar 14 2016
New products and innovative solutions are the focus of every trade fair and the forthcoming Bauma 2016 promises more of the same. Telestack plan to use the triennial event, held in Munich Germany 11th-17th April, to showcase a range of their products – the TC424 Tracked Conveyor, the TCL431 Tracked Conveyor and the LF514 Train Loader.
The LF514 Train Loader
In association with their two established and reputable German dealers, Jürgen Kölsch GmbH and Christophel GmbH on Stand FN.620/1, Telestack are located in the Open Air Area North and look forward to an impressive display of machines, dealer support and knowledgeable sales support available from Telestack.
Malachy Gribben, Commercial Director, Telestack comments, “the equipment that we have chosen to display at Bauma demonstrates not only our range of products but also how each product is designed specifically for the need of the application, site and customer. How Telestack differ from our competitors is in the personalised attention to detail in the design. We are the specialists leading the industry and we have a portfolio of installations globally that demonstrates our expertise. In addition we partner only with distributors that keep the customer at the centre of their business.”

The TC424 Tracked Conveyor stockpiling sand in Australia
The LF514 Train Loader is a low feed hopper feeder designed specifically to load train wagons at a throughput of up to 500tph. Sold to leading rail construction firm, Zürcher, the LF514 will work on a government project to load aggregate into train wagons. Zürcher’s primary business is in track construction and civil engineering and are based in the south/west of Germany. With almost 60 years experience in the track construction sector, the company has considerable experience and were one of the founders of some of the most innovative technology for track construction sites.
The Telestack Low Feeder range is available in a series of designs and hopper capacities depending on feeding equipment and production rates on site and allows the operator to directly discharge from wheel loaders/ grab cranes and excavators at a significantly lower feed in height compared to standard hopper feeders. The unique design of the hopper allows for rear feeding which can be beneficial when operating in constrained areas.
The TC424 Tracked Conveyor has been sold to Telestack’s partner in South Germany, Jürgen Kölsch GmbH. As well as stockpiling aggregate, this particular unit has been tailored for use in a recycling application. Typically operating on inner-city sites working after an impact crusher, this unit is fitted with an overband magnet to extract ferrous metals and discharge to one side using the cross belt magnet. By using the TC424, the operator also removes the need for use of pay loaders to constantly remove material from the crusher discharge conveyor. Less handling ultimately means more profit which is an essential advantage of the unit!

The TCL431 Tracked Conveyor stockpiling from Mobile Screen
The TCL431 Tracked Conveyor, sold to the Telestack partner in North Germany, Christophel GmbH, is one of Telestack’s core products. With a heavy-duty lattice design, the TCL431 has discharge heights of up to 13m (43ft), has 1,000mm belt (40” belt) and a hydraulic folding head and tail section. Also available in a radial version, the Telestack TCL range is designed to maximise stockpile volume. Most manufacturers produce 24m (80ft) boom length conveyors achieving in the region of up to 2,000 tonne stockpile capacities. Telestack however manufacture up to 31m (105ft) tracked conveyors, increasing the stockpile capacity by over 82% to almost 3,900 tonne capacity. The radial 31m version can achieve capacities of up to 20,000 tonne.
There is no doubt that 2016 will be an exciting year for Telestack. Having recently combined the experience and knowledge that Telestack has gained in material handling over the past number of decades, the Telestack AggStack® range of entry level radial telescopic stackers, radial fixed length stacking conveyors, truck unloaders, hopper feeders and link conveyors were formalised that were positioned on functionality, strength, performance and price point.
The AggStack® series brings together a range of equipment into one product group, while offering different options to enhance the functionality of each unit, in line with the application.
Commenting on his recent purchase of an AggStack® TS532 Radial Telescopic Conveyor, Alexander Draeger, Managing Director for Christophel GmbH, the Telestack dealer based in Lübeck North Germany, said: “This is a really key gap in the aggregate market now filled by the Telestack AggStack® range. We received the TS-532 AggStack® Radial Telescopic unit in June 2015, and the appetite for this unit in the marketplace is apparent. Its durability, functionality and production rates are really reassuring and I can already tell that this range will sell well in our market. Although it is an entry level unit, you can still add options so that it meets your specific needs. Overall, the customer is really happy with this unit and we are looking forward to additional sales in 2016.”
In addition Telestack also plan to showcase an impressive range of equipment at the forthcoming Hillhead exhibition ranging from Radial Telescopic Conveyors, Tracked Conveyors, Hopper Feeders as well as the launch of the Telestack Static Truck Unloader. The static Truck Unloader is a fixed bulk reception feeder used primarily in aggregate, cement and shiploading applications and is an exciting addition to the Telestack product range.
Telestack has always been renowned throughout the aggregates industry for the quality of its machines and the company was recently awarded UKAS accreditation covering key global standards; ISO 14001 (Environmental Management), OHSAS 18001 (Health & Safety Management). This is in addition to the Northern Ireland headquartered firm’s existing accreditation to ISO 9001 (Quality Management). The Telestack Integrated Management System (IMS) ensures that anything which has an effect on overall business performance is monitored, actioned and improved.
Telestack has just surpassed their 30th year in business and part of the Astec Industries family of companies. They have a global proven record in both the Aggregate, Mining and Ports and Inland Terminal sectors and their products exist in a range of applications including the coal, mining and quarry industries, stockyard management, ports & inland terminals, power stations, rail yards, steel mills, cement plants and many other bulk material handling industries. They have established a reputation of quality, trust and integrity and look forward in anticipation to the remainder of 2016 and a future based on only on projects that will enhance this reputation.
For more information on Telestack please go to