Foster Corporation Receives Arkema's Prestigious 'Legacy & Innovation' Award

Foster Corporation, a leader in polymer material solutions for the medical and pharmaceutical markets, received Arkema’s Legacy & Innovation Award at the recent K Show in Dusseldorf, Germany.

The award was presented by Arkema’s Technical Polymers Global Group President M. Erwoan Pezron. The award reflects the following:

  • A continuous commitment to evolving innovation
  • A desire to anticipate and meet the demands of tomorrow
  • A proven track record of technical leadership in at least one of Arkema’s traditional legacy markets…that market being the medical market

In addition to the actual award, Arkema also donated a financial contribution, on behalf of Foster Corporation, to the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML).

Regarding the honor, Larry Acquarulo, CEO of Foster, expressed “My and Foster’s heartfelt appreciation for the award, and for Arkema’s recognition of Foster’s historically deep commitment to innovation in the plastics compounding segment in general, and to the medical and pharmaceutical markets in particular. Foster’s growth in the medical market has been, and will continue to be, driven by technical innovation spurred on by our customer’s needs.”

Mr. Acquarulo went on to say that “Arkema has been a great partner of Foster Corporation and we are appreciative of the long standing relationship we have been able to build with their team and look forward to working with them even more closely in the future. We are also appreciative of the financial contribution in Foster’s name given to the University of Massachusetts Lowell, my alma mater. UML gave me the platform for understanding the value of technology and innovation in plastics which has allowed Foster Corporation to grow and prosper over the years.”

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