Gallium Selenide (GaSe) Semiconductors

Topics Covered

Chemical Properties
Electrical Properties
Thermal and Mechanical Properties
Safety Information


Gallium selenide is a chemical compound having a hexagonal layer structure similar to that of gallium sulfide. It readily reacts with acids. Gallium selenide crystals are widely being used in photoconductor and non-linear optical material. Doping of these crystals with indium in turn greatly enhances their structural strength.


Gallium selenide finds applications in the following:

  • Optical applications
  • Photovoltaic cells.

Chemical Properties

The chemical properties of gallium selenide are provided in the table below:

Chemical Properties
Chemical Formula GaSe
Molecular Weight 148.69
CAS No. 12024-11-2
Group Gallium – 13
Selenium - 16
Crystal Structure Cubic
Symmetry Group P63/mmc
Lattice Constant 5.429 Å

Electrical Properties

The electrical properties of gallium selenide are provided in the table below:

Electrical Properties
Band Gap 2.1 eV

Thermal and Mechanical Properties

The thermal and mechanical properties of gallium selenide are provided in the tables below:

Thermal Properties
Thermal Expansion Coefficient 8.9 µm/m°C
Thermal Conductivity 5 W/mK
Mechanical Properties
Density 4.92 g/cm3
Melting Point 747°C
Knoop Microhardness 3160

Safety Information

Safety Information
GHS Hazard Statements R23/25 - Toxic by inhalation and if swallowed.
R33 - Danger of cumulative effects.
Safety Precautions S20/21 - When using, do not eat, drink or smoke.
S28 - After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water
S45 - In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately.

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