Nanox is a company to produce antimicrobials, using super resin technology. We produce a powder and this powder can use different kinds of polymers, PPP, PVC, PET, PLA.
After the powder, you can prepare a master bath and you can use this master bath in any kind of plastic process. In the end the of the products, you have an antimicrobial property.
We have customers in carpet and rugs, packaging, bottles, milk bottles to improve the milk shelf life so there are many applications for the products.
What sets you aside from anyone else in the market?
There is a facility in Brazil and a facility in the United States. There are some competitors around the world and our product is very competitive.
They are better because you use 10 times less silver than any kind of competitors. So, because the product is cheap, it's cheaper, and sometimes silver base bacterial skin can change the color of the transparence. However, we use 10 times less; our product does not change the transparence and the color of the products, and its use is more competitive.
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