Could you tell us a bit about the company and why you are attending ACHEMA 2018?
Eltex is a company which is located in Switzerland. We are focused on products surrounding electrostatic controls. We make static discharging and static charging products and we are also creating a special electrostatic system for the printing industry.
What are you highlighting this year?
Our whole range. There are grounding situations that have been highlighted, for example, the new Terra Lite. It is a battery powered grounding system to check electrostatic grounding capabilities.
How is that part unique to the merchandiser and how are your products unique?
We have been in the market for more than six years and we have a lot of experience around electrostatic products. Our focus is to not only have the best technical equipment, but to also have the knowledge about all types of applications, which we can then transfer to our customers.
What are you hoping to achieve at ACHEMA 2018?
We are looking for new clients, to inform them about Eltex in general. We are also hoping to introduce existing clients to our new Terra Lite system.
Is there a specific industry that you cater to?
We cater to a range of industries. The chemical industry, the pharmaceutical industry - the process industry in general.