When developing a paint or coatings system, understanding the duration of the drying or curing process is crucial.
This period, known as drying time, serves as a vital parameter for both Research and Development (R&D) and Quality Control (QC), determining the readiness of a painted or coated part for practical use.
The GARDCO Ultracycle Circular Drying Time Recorder (DTR) is a straightforward and pragmatic tool applicable in laboratories or QC settings. It presents a sturdy and cost-effective means of regulating drying time.
Versatile in its application, the GARDCO Ultracycle Circular DTR can be employed on various flat substrates such as wood, glass, plastic, metal, or even drawdown charts.
This characteristic renders the DTR a highly suitable instrument for diverse applications, allowing tests directly on the finished product.
It is worth noting that drying time is subject to environmental influences like temperature and humidity. The utilization of the GARDCO Ultracycle Circular DTR facilitates the measurement and quantification of valuable drying behaviors, providing a comprehensive understanding of the drying process.
Its built-in temperature and relative humidity sensors automatically record these conditions, eliminating users needing additional instrumentation for documenting environmental conditions.
The simplicity of the Drying Time Recorder adds to its user-friendly nature. Merely apply the paint or coating to the substrate using an applicator like Microm Film Applicator, Mayer Rod, or Bar Type Applicator. Post-application, the DTR can be promptly placed directly on the coated substrate, initiating the testing process.
The DTR employs a 10 mm (3/8”) diameter Teflon ball stylus drawn through the coating. During this process, the stylus leaves a discernible track behind. This track then determines drying time, following the Standard Test Method ASTM D5895 guidelines. Drying time can be recorded, ranging from one minute up to 99 hours.
Image Credit: Paul N. Gardner Company, Inc.
This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Paul N. Gardner Company, Inc.
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