Insights from industry

Unlocking Battery Potential: The Critical Role of Particle Size and Shape in Lithium-Ion Technology

insights from industryWeichen Gan & Beverly BarnumApplication Scientist & Senior Application ScientistBettersize Instruments

In this interview, Dr. Beverly Barnum and Weichen Gan discuss the vital role that particle size and shape play in the performance and safety of lithium-ion batteries.

Could you provide an overview of the key components of a lithium-ion battery and explain their roles in its operation?

Dr. Beverly Barnum:

The key parts of a lithium-ion battery include the separator, anode, cathode, electrolyte, and current collectors. The anode, which stores lithium ions during battery charging, is usually composed of graphite. The cathode is where the lithium ions go during discharge, often composed of lithium metal oxides.

The electrolyte, which helps transfer lithium ions between the anode and cathode, is a lithium salt in an organic solvent. The porous membrane separator keeps the anode and cathode from making direct contact, which might result in a short circuit.

The purpose of the copper and aluminum current collectors is to transfer electricity from the electrodes to the external circuit. These elements work together to store and release energy efficiently.

How do the particle size and shape influence the performance of lithium-ion batteries, particularly in terms of energy density and cycle life?

Dr. Beverly Barnum:

The shape and size of particles play a crucial role in the performance of lithium-ion batteries. Smaller particles offer a greater surface area, which enhances the charge and discharge rates and boosts energy density through more efficient electrochemical reactions.

However, if particles are excessively small, they can lead to increased resistance and instability, potentially shortening the battery's cycle life.

Larger particles, on the other hand, limit the battery's capacity and charge rate but could improve thermal stability. Thus, optimizing particle size and shape is essential to balance energy density, cycle life, and safety, ensuring optimal battery performance.

What are the advantages of using solid-state batteries over traditional lithium-ion batteries, and what challenges are associated with their development?

Dr. Beverly Barnum:

Solid-state batteries offer several advantages over conventional lithium-ion batteries, including increased energy density, enhanced safety, and extended cycle life. Using a solid electrolyte instead of a liquid one improves safety by reducing the risk of leakage and thermal runaway. Additionally, solid-state batteries can achieve higher energy densities due to their capability to operate at elevated voltages.

However, to fully realize the potential of solid-state batteries, challenges such as developing suitable solid electrolytes, ensuring the stability of the interface between the electrolyte and electrodes, and scaling up production must be addressed.

Could you describe the methods commonly used to measure particle size and shape and how these methods contribute to improving battery performance?

Weichen Gan:

Several techniques are used to quantify the size and shape of particles, including image analysis, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and laser diffraction. Laser diffraction is frequently used due to its ability to determine particle size distribution quickly and accurately.

In contrast, image analysis offers detailed insights into the morphology and structure of particles, which is crucial for understanding their behavior in a battery. Combining these techniques provides a comprehensive understanding of the particles, enabling the optimization of materials for improved battery performance.

What is the significance of particle size distribution (PSD) in lithium-ion battery manufacturing, and how does it affect battery efficiency and safety?

Dr. Beverly Barnum:

When making lithium-ion batteries, getting the particle size distribution (PSD) right is key. A narrow PSD means the particles are more uniform in size, which helps the battery perform better and keeps the electrochemical reactions steady.

If the PSD is too broad, the particles can pack unevenly, which might lead to poor contact between them, increased resistance, and even safety issues like thermal runaway. So, carefully managing the PSD is crucial for ensuring both the safety and efficiency of lithium-ion batteries.

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How does the Bettersizer S3 Plus combine laser diffraction and image analysis to measure particle size and shape, and what advantages does this offer?

Weichen Gan:

The Bettersizer S3 Plus combines laser diffraction and image analysis into one advanced device, allowing for simultaneous assessment of both particle size and shape.

Laser diffraction quickly and accurately measures particle size distribution, while image analysis provides detailed insights into particle morphology. This integrated approach offers a comprehensive view of the particles, helping to identify issues like agglomeration or irregular particle shapes that could impact battery performance. By measuring both parameters with a single system, the Bettersizer S3 Plus makes it easier to optimize battery materials and ensures more reliable data.

In what ways does zeta potential influence the performance of lithium-ion batteries, and why is it important to consider this property in battery design?

Dr. Beverly Barnum:

The stability of a suspension largely depends on its zeta potential, which measures the surface charge of the particles in the suspension. For consistent performance in lithium-ion batteries, a stable suspension ensures that the particles remain uniformly distributed.

If the zeta potential is too low, particles may clump together or agglomerate, leading to safety concerns and inconsistent battery performance. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor and manage zeta potential during the design and production of battery materials to maintain stability and ensure reliable battery operation.

What are some practical applications of the Bettersizer S3 Plus in the battery industry, and how has it been used to improve battery materials like graphite and lithium iron phosphate (LFP)?

Weichen Gan:

In the battery business, the Bettersizer S3 Plus is often used to analyze and enhance materials like graphite and lithium iron phosphate (LFP).

For instance, in our laboratories, we have utilized the Bettersizer S3 Plus to measure the particle size and shape of graphite samples used in anodes. By refining these features, we have been able to successfully improve the energy density and cycle life of the batteries.

Similarly, when analyzing LFP materials with the Bettersizer S3 Plus, we identified issues like agglomerates and oversized particles that could affect battery performance. By addressing these problems, we have helped manufacturers improve the quality and consistency of their battery materials.

How do different particle shapes, such as flakes or spherical particles, impact the mechanical stability and ion diffusion pathways in lithium-ion batteries?

Dr. Beverly Barnum:

The shape of particles plays a significant role in the mechanical stability and ion diffusion paths within lithium-ion batteries.

For instance, flaky particles can provide a larger surface area for ion diffusion, potentially increasing the battery's capacity. However, these shapes might also lead to lower packing density and mechanical instability, which could cause issues like delamination or cracking.

On the other hand, spherical particles generally pack more efficiently, offering better mechanical stability and more uniform ion diffusion paths. This improves the battery's overall performance and cycle life. Therefore, selecting the appropriate particle shape is crucial to achieving a balance between capacity, stability, and performance.

About Beverly Barnum and Weichen Gan

Beverly Barnum, PhD is a Senior Application Scientist at Bettersize Inc. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from California State University and earned her PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania. Recognized for innovative problem-solving, Dr. Barnum is a highly accomplished scientist committed to advancing technological solutions.

Weichen Gan, MS is an Application Scientist at Bettersize Instruments. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in material science and engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology and earned an MS in material science and engineering from the University of Florida. Since joining Bettersize, Weichen has focused on the characterization of the physical properties of inorganic materials and has helped provide relevant solutions.


This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Bettersize Instruments Ltd.


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