Materials Design Inspired by Nature

Edited by Peter Fratzl, John Dunlop and Richard Weinkamer
The inner architecture of a material can have an astonishingeffect on its overall properties and is vital to understand when designing new materials. Nature is a master at designing hierarchical structures and so researchers are looking at biological examples for inspiration, specifically to understand how nature arranges the inner architectures for a particular function in order to apply these design principles into man-made materials.
Materials Design Inspired by Nature is the first book to address the relationship between the inner architecture of natural materials and their physical properties for materials design. The book explores examples from plants, the marine world, arthropods and bacteria, where the inner architecture is exploited to obtain specific mechanical, optical or magnetic properties along with how these design principles are used in man-made products. Details of the experimental methods used to investigate hierarchical structures are also given.
Written by leading experts in bio-inspired materials research, this is essential reading for anyone developing new materials.
Brief Contents
- Architectured Materials: An Alternative to Microstructure Control for Structural
- Materials Design? A Possible Playground for Bio-inspiration?
- Bone Structural Adaptation and Wolff’s Law
- Understanding Hierarchy and Functions of Bone Using Scanning X-ray Scattering
- Methods
- Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy to Explore Early Stages of Bio(mimetic)
- Mineralization
- Collagen-based Materials for Tissue Repair, from Bio-inspired to Bio-mimetic
- Materials Design Inspired by Tree and Wood Architecture
- Raman Microscopy: Insights into the Chemistry and Structure of Biological Materials
Series: RSC Smart Materials
ISSN: 2046-0066
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 9781849735537
Price: £159.99
Publishing date: 30/06/2013
Target Audience: Professional and scholarly
Format: Hardback
Size: 234 x 156 mm
Pages: 450
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