ABB’s FEP300 ProcessMaster is an advanced electromagnetic flowmeter that provides the widest range of liners, electrodes and sizes to address the most challenging process applications in a range of industries, such as pulp and paper, power, oil and gas, chemical, and metals and mining.
The system is available as a remote mount design or an integral mount design.
The electromagnetic flowmeter is easy to use and offers the required output signal. It includes improved features with extended diagnostic functions. These functions allow simple and easy plant trouble shooting, and provide help texts in LCD displays as well as status messages according to NAMUR standards.
The powerful and highly accurate flowmeter is customized for all process industry applications. It comes with a basic function and includes simple documentation that can be understood easily.
Glass configuration in the flowmeter prevents the necessity of removing the cover; minimizing commissioning time and enabling shorter delivery times. With the aid of data storage, the transmitter can be exchanged without the need for reconfiguration. In addition, in situ verification software, ScanMaster allows customers to carry out on-site validation of both the flowmeter and the plant.
Key Features
- Advanced memory technology
- Modular design
- User-friendly
- Versatile and cost-effective
- Simple configuration with easy set-up function and soft key-based functionality
- Includes ScanMaster in situ verification software option
- Diagnostics functions for real-life situations