The MassaSonic® mPulse® Model M-5000/220 Sensor is a short range, full featured, wired sensor with multiple outputs. It has a high measurement speed and high accuracy.
The mPulse® Sensor uses modern ultrasonic and microprocessor technology to transmit precision non-contact distance measurement for factory automation and industrial process control. The mPulse® Sensor is known for its flexibility in user-controlled outputs, ability to be set up without the need for a target, user-friendly software, and exceptional ease of operation.
The mPulse® Sensor is designed to transmit narrow beam sound pulses at a user-selected rate (or it can be triggered externally), processes return echoes, and generates a number of outputs based on the target position. The sensors provide non-contact measurement over a nominal target range of 4“ (100 mm) to 40" (1 m), and operate from 12 to 28 V DC.
Outputs include a 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 20 mA DC analog current loop, two independent set-point switches, and echo status by both an Echo Status Output switch and an LED indicator. The system’s outputs and parameters are fully user programmable through an RS-485 data link, eliminating sealing and tampering problems related to push-buttons or adjustment potentiometers.
Set-point hysteresis, sampling rate, loss-of-echo time-out, analog output slope, and averaging of multiple target distance measurements are extra programmable features of the mPulse® Sensor.
The user-friendly software from Massa works with a PC working under Windows® 10, 8, 7, 95, 98, XP, NT, and 2000 operating systems. The mPulse® Sensor can be connected to a PC through USB/RS-485 or RS-232/RS-485 converters.
The RS-485 data link allows up to 32 sensors to be on the same multi-drop communications network. For customers who do not wish to use a PC, the sensors can be programmed at the factory to meet the customers’ exact specifications for true “plug and play” operation.
The mPulse® Sensor includes other features, such as; protection from short circuits, reverse polarity and over-voltage, operation from -20 °C to 65 °C with built-in temperature compensation, diagnostic and monitoring outputs, and industry standard 30 mm diameter CPVC housing.
The following table lists the key specifications of the mPulse®220 kHz Sensor:
220 kHz mPulse |
Measurement Range |
4" (100 mm) to 40" (1 m) |
Measurement Resolution |
0.01 inches (0.25 mm) |
Sampling Rate |
0.1 Hz to 100 Hz in 0.1 Hz increments |
Loss of Echo Options |
0, 3.5, 4.0, 20.0 or 20.5 mA |
Trigger Modes |
Internal, internal with trigger output, external, external with delay, manual
Target Distance Averaging |
Rolling Average: up to 32 samples; or
Boxcar Average: up to 1,024 samples
Housing Dimensions |
30 mm diameter M-30X1.5 threaded tube, 100 mm long
Housing Material |
Operating Temperature |
-20 °C to 65 °C |
Communication Converter |
USB/RS-485 or RS-232/RS-485 with automatic send data control
Operating System |
Windows® 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP SP3 |
Key Features
The main features of the mPulse® Model M-5000/220 Sensor are as follows:
- Analog and setpoint outputs
- Plug and play setup - no target needed
- 4" (100 mm) to 40" (1 m) range
- Software set span and zero - no pots or pushbuttons; tamperproof settings
- Built in Temperature/sound speed compensation
- Up to 32 sensors on RS-485 multi-drop loop
- Easy to use setup software - Windows® 10, 8, 7, XP SP3, and Vista.
- Low Cost of Ownership (CoO)
The mPulse® Model M-5000/220 Sensor is used in the following applications:
- Liquid level control
- Machine tool fluid level
- Automatic filling operations
- Paper/plastic film processing
- Mechanical positioning
- Roll diameter measurement
- Web loop monitoring
- Automatic packaging