The Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy (WDS) provides spectral resolution as an order of magnitude higher than Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy on Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM/EDS). Students of EDS are aware that certain X-ray energy values can be in disagreement with other values. A classic example is tungsten with an M-line at 1.744 and silicon with a K-line energy of 1.740. This issue is referred to as "overlapping peaks." Another benefit is the method’s sensitivity to trace and light elements.
Found for several years in electron beam microprobes which array several WDS detectors around sample interaction with an electron beam, more recently WDS has been available on the scanning electron microscope. One disadvantage to WDS with its one detector is the duration of time it took to gather data.
The MagnaRay WD spectrometer was launched as a new and highly efficient method for the SEM. Using unique X-ray optics and automated operation, the MangaRay spectrometer makes WDS as simple to use and efficient as SEM/EDS, answering several problems that EDS cannot resolve.
MagnaRay WDS Features
- Energy resolution of ∼ 4 eV
- Clearly handles numerous peak overlaps that EDS cannot easily separate
- Background values 20x lower than EDS
- Greater sensitivity in quantitative analysis
- Enhanced trace element detection
Highly Valuable in these Uses
- Better spectrum quality
- WDS-based Element Mapping
- Element confirmation – quick Yes/No on element presence
- Full standards WDS quantification for highest sensitivity and accuracy
Easy to Use
- Includes energy range from 150 eV to 15 keV
- Software automatically chooses the ideal diffractor crystal
- Software performs auto-alignment to guarantee optimal performance