Many problems are caused by unreliable crimping methods. Chromatography Direct now offers AntiSpin Headspace Crimp Caps that prevent all these issues. The exclusive design of these products guarantees optimal sealing each time, thus preventing any leakage that affects calibrations and outcomes.
- Do users need to carry out repeat injections because of unreliable crimping methods?
- Do they encounter interfering peaks because of extractables from the septa material?
- Do they need to manually inspect separate headspace caps to ensure that these caps do not spin on the vial?
If yes, then users should try the latest AntiSpin™ Headspace Crimp Caps from Chromatography Direct.
- AntiSpin design guarantees optimal sealing, avoiding any leakage that will have an impact on calibrations and outcomes
- Physical characteristics of the silicone used guarantees a tight seal, irrespective of users’ ability
- Comes in standard Silicone/PTFE and Ultra-Low Bleed Silicone/PTFE