High Brightness LED Maker Takes Delivery of Veeco MOCVD System

Veeco Instruments Inc. announced today that a leading Japanese high brightness light emitting diode (HB-LED) manufacturer has process accepted the TurboDisc(R) K465(TM) gallium nitride (GaN) Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) System to support their capacity expansion of blue HB-LEDs. This manufacturer received the tool in December and, with Veeco's support, was able to install and process accept the tool by the end of January.

Sam DiRenzo, Vice President, General Manager of Veeco's MOCVD Operations commented, "Demand for GaN-based blue LEDs is expected to grow at the annual rate of nearly 20% over the next five years, mainly due to market drivers such as signs and displays, automotive, general illumination and LCD backlighting. We are pleased that this customer has chosen our TurboDisc K465, the industry's highest throughput MOCVD tool, for their capacity expansion."

The new TurboDisc K465 GaN MOCVD System features Veeco's most advanced TurboDisc reactor technology and delivers the industry's highest throughput available today for high volume production of GaN-based blue and green LEDs. Veeco's TurboDisc "K-Series" MOCVD platform includes the K300 and K465 models, offering a modular, upgradeable path to higher throughput, larger diameter reactor chamber and reduced cost of ownership.

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