To provide focused learning on thermal spray technology for attendees of the International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC 2008) event in Maastricht, The Netherlands, the following education courses will be offered by members of the ASM Thermal Spray Society (TSS).
Thermal Spray Technology will be held May 29-31. Instructors are Dr. Christopher C. Berndt, FASM of the Swinburne University of Technology and Dr. Richard Knight, FASM, of Drexel University.
Understanding and Improving Thermal Spray Technology will be held May 30-31. Instructors are Dr. Maher Boulos, University of Sherbrooke; Dr. Pierre Fauchais, FASM, Université de Limoges; and Dr. Joachim Heberlein, FASM, University of Minnesota.
Metallographic Preparation of Gas Turbine Coatings will be held May 31, and will be taught by Douglas Puerta, IMR Test Labs.
More information about the courses is available at, and online registration is also available.
Founded in 1994 as an Affiliate Society of ASM International, TSS is comprised of 1,500 individuals around the globe representing over 500 leading companies, research institutions and universities.