Eastman Chemical Recognized for Energy Efficiency Practices

For the 15th consecutive year, every year since the program began, Eastman Chemical Company earned energy efficiency awards from the American Chemistry Council (ACC). As part of the Responsible Care® program, the ACC honors specific projects that have achieved distinction in reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Eastman received three awards, two of which received an ‘exceptional merit’ designation.

“Eastman is honored to be recognized again. These awards highlight the commitment of Eastman people and the work they are doing,” said Brian Ferguson, chairman and CEO. “We will continue to focus our efforts on reducing energy costs and using technology to improve energy efficiency and minimize energy related environmental impacts throughout the company.”

ACC presented a total of 45 awards with eight of the projects given the exceptional merit designation. Winners were selected from five categories: Environmental Impact, Energy Efficiency Program, Non-Manufacturing Improvement, Public Outreach and Significant Improvements in Manufacturing. Eastman received awards for Significant Improvement in Manufacturing, which recognizes companies that improve energy efficiency in their manufacturing operations through technical innovations, creative projects or actions, and for Energy Efficiency Program, recognizing comprehensive and effective corporate and plant level energy programs.

ACC’s exceptional merit honor was given to Eastman’s Longview, Texas, site for a process and energy optimization approach that is being used to identify and implement energy improvement projects. In 2007 alone, this site-wide energy savings program reduced carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions by 69,000 tons and resulted in an energy savings of 1,200,000 Million British Thermal Units (MMBTUs). Another nominated Longview project that reduced steam usage at the incinerator was combined with the sitewide nomination for one award.

Eastman also received an exceptional merit award for its IntegRex™ technology implementation at the Columbia, South Carolina, site that produces recyclable PET resin in a way that reduces energy consumption by 54 percent, associated greenhouse gas emissions by more than 47 percent, and occupies a smaller environmental footprint.

In addition to these exceptional merit awards, the Kingsport, Tenn., site was awarded for the construction of a new hydrogen plant that is resulting in an annual energy savings of 87,300 MMBTUs.

”A network of site energy coordinators, goal setting, energy tracking, and benchmarking energy performance are all part of Eastman’s energy management effort,” said Ray Ratheal, director, Energy Procurement and Policy. “In 2007, the company exceeded its goal to improve the energy efficiency of its operations by 2 percent per year. Energy savings for 2007 equated to over 4,500,000 MMBTUs. Eastman also reduced greenhouse gas emissions and continues to work closely with communities on environmental education initiatives.”

Eastman is one of 16 American Chemistry Council member companies to be recognized through the 2007 Responsible Care® Energy Efficiency Awards. ACC reported that in 2007 these companies cumulatively saved enough BTUs to power a city the size of Springfield, Illinois and reduced carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to 200,000 cars. ACC presented awards to companies for their company-wide or plant-specific progress. Since 1974, Responsible Care® companies have reduced fuel and power energy consumption per unit of output by nearly half. Also as an industry, between 1990 and 2006, absolute greenhouse gas emissions fell 12.5 percent and greenhouse gas intensity improved 38 percent in that time.

Posted May 13th,2008

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