The UVISEL+ RM from HORIBA Scientific extends the capability of the UVISEL with a new independent Reflectometry Module (RM) that can be mounted on the UVISEL goniometer. The low cost RM module is available either as an option or as an upgrade for all current models of the VISible and NIR UVISEL Spectroscopic Ellipsometers as the module is simply connected to the Xenon lamp and monochromator of the UVISEL via two optical fibres.
The UVISEL Spectroscopic Ellipsometers from HORIBA Scientific
The RM allows Reflectance measurements at normal incidence over the wavelength range 210nm – 2100 nm with a 200 µm measurement spot, and through the integration of ellipsometry and reflectometry the UVISEL+ RM enables flexible and accurate measurements of:
- Thickness of single and multiple layer films ranging from 1Å to 30 µm,
- Optical properties (n, k, α) of materials,
- Direct spectroscopic measurement of sample reflectance
- Precise description of thin film stacks for interfaces, roughness, inhomogeneities...
The UVISEL+ RM is simple to operate using the DeltaPsi2 acquisition system and benefits from the large materials database and powerful analysis features of the software. For difficult applications it is possible to bind both ellipsometry and reflectometry measurement for the analysis of a sample.
The UVISEL+ RM is a flexible spectroscopic metrology platform that is ideal for photovoltaic, display, optical coatings and surface treatments applications.