Uhde Win Contract for Two New Coke Plants in Japan

OTTO Corporation of Tokyo has commissioned Uhde to provide comprehensive engineering and supply services within the scope of two plant contracts received by the Japanese company from JFE Steel Corporation and MCC Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation.

The contract from JFE Steel concerns the construction of a new coke oven battery with an annual production capacity of 400,000 tonnes of blast furnace coke at Kurashiki, some 160km west of Osaka. Within the scope of this contract Uhde will be responsible for the basic engineering, supply of special equipment and supervision of the construction and commissioning activities. OTTO Corporation will carry out the detail engineering, local supplies and refractory installation. JFE Steel is already operating a major new coke plant commissioned by Uhde 30km down the road in Fukuyama in March 2006. The coke oven battery in Kurashiki is expected to come on-stream in June 2010.

In the case of MCC Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation. Uhde will be carrying out major hot repair work on coke ovens in Sakaide, 35km southeast of Kurashiki on Japan's smallest island, Shikoku. Uhde's Coke Plant Technologies division has enjoyed long customer relations with MCC Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, stretching back to the 1960s. The new contract involves the first phase of an extensive repair programme for all seven coke oven batteries at this site. In addition to the special engineering, Uhde will be supplying the refractory materials and supervising the repair work. OTTO Corporation will be responsible for the other supplies and for carrying out the so-called hot repair.

After recent successes in China, Taiwan and South Korea, these latest contracts in Japan mark the next chapter for Uhde and its Coke Plant Technologies division in Asia.

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