Nov 7 2008
Andre Geim developed the first two-dimensional crystals made of carbon atoms. These graphenes not only promise to revolutionize semiconductor, sensor, and display technology, but also lead us to expect breakthroughs in basic research in quantum physics.
The Körber European Science Award for 2009, worth 750,000 euros in prize money, goes to Andre Geim. The Dutch physicist has distinguished himself through his pioneering studies in the field of two-dimensional carbon crystals. The Award is being presented for the twenty-fifth time and the ceremony will take place on April 17, 2009 in Hamburg’s city hall. It honors European scientists who are pursuing particularly innovative research projects. The recipient was selected by an international trustee committee chaired by the President of the Max Planck Society, Prof. Dr. Peter Gruss.
Geim studied physics in Moscow and was awarded his Ph.D. by the Institute for Solid State Physics in Chernogolovka, Russia, in 1987. In 1994, after working in research in England and Denmark, he was appointed Associate Professor at the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands. Since 2001, he has been professor of physics at the University of Manchester. Geim has published numerous pioneering articles and books and is considered a genius of his discipline. He was appointed a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2007.
The Award winner will be presented to the public Tuesday,November 11, 2008, at 7 pm at a science forum organized by the Hamburger Abendblatt newspaper, NDR 90,3 radio, and the Körber Foundation at the KörberForum – Kehrwieder 12, 20457 Hamburg.
For detailed information on the project and a photograph of the award winner, please see