Nov 13 2008
Bruker Daltonics announced today that the first production run of its ultra-high resolution time-of-flight (UHR-TOF) mass spectrometer maXis(TM) has been delivered to customers. The revolutionary maXis high-performance system was introduced at this year's American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference in Denver, and has now been successfully installed in a number of top tier pharmaceutical research laboratories and in leading academic institutions.
maXis is the first and only instrument available today that uniquely enables the previously incompatible trends in modern mass spectrometry of ultra-high mass resolution and very fast UHPLC chromatographic separations. Exceptional mass accuracy of better than 1 ppm in MS and MS/MS mode, ultra-high resolution of 40,000 to 60,000, dynamic range over 5 orders of magnitude, high m/z capabilities, exceptional stability allowing 1.5 mDa high-resolution extracted ion chromatograms, as well as outstanding sensitivity are all maintained simultaneously even when coupled to the fastest available chromatography separation systems, delivering the most powerful mass spectrometry research system across a broad range of applications. maXis has already been proven as an exceptional tool in quantitative proteomics, peptide and intact protein analysis as well as small molecule identification using the unique Smartformula™ 3D method for on-the-fly unambiguous molecular formula read-out co-developed with Pfizer, UK.
“Since its ASMS introduction, we have seen unprecedented demand for the maXis across a very wide range of applications. This demonstrates the real need for high performance, high resolution small molecule and protein analysis mass spectrometry tools that provide an unparalleled level of information,” commented Bruker Daltonics Executive Vice President Dr. Ian Sanders. “We are also very gratified that our novel concept for UHR-TOF has in practice developed into a system that has achieved all its stated specifications and better after rapid and straight-forward installations with some leading customers.”
After just a two-day maXis installation at Pfizer in the UK, Dr. Don Richards, Head of Structure Elucidation and Trace Analysis, was able to gather new data for the BMSS meeting the following week and commented: "This is the mass spec that we've all been waiting for! It's the first time that we've really been able to use 5 decimal places for mass accuracy and it has already greatly enhanced our productivity."
At an early November mass spectrometry symposium at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, Professor Phillip C. Wright, Head of the Chemical & Process Engineering Department at the University of Sheffield, UK, said: "We have already had impressive high throughput quantitative data off the maXis, and are very excited that the demonstrated combination of high speed, very high resolution and mass accuracy has opened up enormous opportunities in our investigations of complex proteomes."
Professor Andre M. Deelder, Head of Parasitology & Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry Units, from the Leiden University Medical Centre in The Netherlands provided his perspective: "In the last few weeks two maXis instruments have been installed in our laboratory. We have always been happy with the excellent data obtained with our Bruker micrOTOF and micrOTOF-Q mass spectrometers, which are key in many of our analytical applications. It is now already obvious from the data generated here in Leiden that the maXis represents yet another major step forward in highest mass spectrometry performance. We are confident that this new platform will have a major positive impact on the quality of our metabolomics and proteomics data."
Posted November12th, 2008