Innovative Glass Railings Improve the View and Enhance Property Values

Falcon Railing Mfg. has introduced a topless glass guard deck railing that, in many cases, enables real estate owners to add significant value to their homes by recapturing breathtaking vistas that may be obscured by the top and bottom rails of traditional barrier systems.

Although the position of a deck rail may seem like a mere inconvenience, for an industry that lives and dies by the motto 'location, location, location,' a breathtaking vista can be a critical financial factor during a real estate deal. Steve Wright, owner of a real estate firm in Kelowna, British Columbia, says buyers are often willing to pay more if a property includes a great view. Although the offer will depend on the property, the view might raise the price anywhere from $25,000 to $100,000.

The obvious solution is reclaiming the view. But once again, finance plays an important role when considering remedial work on a property. In short, the homeowner wants to know that whatever money is put into the property can be realized on the sale.

Wright understands all too well the nuisance upscale property owners endure when living with obstructed views. For his own home, Wright decided to take action when a colleague mentioned a topless glass system. The new invention by Falcon Railing Mfg. eliminated the need for top and bottom porch railings. Also, installation was not complicated or cost prohibitive. Wright immediately liked what he saw.

The topless deck railing adapts to any deck shape and is unique for vertical posts that include a rotating gasket. The channel design in this system allows all the posts to accommodate various angles. Also, the system was engineered to meet or exceed all building codes and comes with a limited lifetime warranty.

Although property values in the United States began to fall significantly in 2007, the Canadian real estate market didn't top until April 2008. Since homeowners north and south of the boarder now face tough economic conditions, when selling they must do everything possible to make their property the best on the block. Reclaiming a view is one way to achieve this.

"You've got to be the best home on the block at the best price to get shown and sold. If House A is nice and has the same appliance package and so forth as House B, but House B has an unobstructed view, guess which house will sell first," says Wright.

"If you're talking about spending an extra three to five grand on the right railing will you get your five grand back? Absolutely. That's totally recoverable. It's the 'wow' factor," says Wright, referring to the unobstructed view the railings will reclaim.

Falcon Railing Chairman Mark Whittle believes his product is fulfilling a need that goes beyond priceless vistas. Many decks are now being designed with poured concrete that incorporate shapes and structures that avoid straight lines and right angles. In these situations, aluminum deck railing systems often fail aesthetically, which is a problem for golf courses and wineries that invite large public gatherings. Topless glass, on the other hand, easily flows with the curve of the deck.

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