High End Audiovisual Equipment to be Made from Recycled Materials

A WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) project is set to introduce electrical goods containing recycled content onto the high street for the first time. A Meridian hi-fi co-branded with Ferrari and a television stand produced by Vital will be demonstrated by TT Audio Plastics and Giraffe Innovation.

This project aims to incorporate recycled materials into high quality consumer products, delivering significant cost savings and environmental benefits to manufacturers and brands.

In November 2008, Indesit, in collaboration with WRAP and Axion Recycling, successfully recycled plastic from WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) materials, specifically shredded plastic waste from domestic fridges, into a cover plate for two flagship washing machine models. TT Audio and Giraffe plan to take the possibilities of recycled content further and produce high performance audiovisual equipment incorporating recycled content. Both the casing and internal components are being developed from 100% recycled UK WEEE plastic and will be aesthetically attractive, high quality and as robust as those made entirely from virgin materials.

Marcus Gover, WRAP's Market Development Director said: "We are pleased to work with leading brands Ferrari and Meridian to develop high quality electricals and build on the successful research that Indesit and Axion produced last year. We believe this project will further embed the feasibility of closed-loop recycling in electrical equipment as not only delivering quality, but also cost benefits to manufacturers in these difficult times. We look forward to seeing the outcome of these products in the autumn."

Tim Ireland CEO of Meridian Audio said "Historically manufacturers have been reluctant to embrace recycling technology because of concerns about brand perception. Meridian is committed to retaining the quality of its brand, but at the same time is open to new technologies that benefit the environment. We are delighted to be involved in this project."

TT Audio Plastics Technical Sales Manager David Crack added "Using recyclate in these products is at the development stage, however we believe there is a strong commercial case in producing and promoting these products and we are keen to see the results in autumn 2009."

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