Apr 26 2009
Finding true level in electronic and semiconductor applications offers unique challenges. Now, for the first time, Balluff SmartLevel sensors accurately detect true aqueous levels regardless of film, foaming, material buildup, or multiple ingredients in the solution. This means that with its revolutionary capacitive sensing circuitry, Balluff SmartLevel sensors will provide real time accurate level readings regardless of the amount of extraneous metallic material in the solution either directly in contact with the media or indirectly through glass or plastic tanks walls up to 12 mm thick.
SmartLevel sensors are simple to install and require no teach-in procedures. They also automatically self-adjust to the correct liquid level for true "mount-it-and-forget-it" convenience.
In virtually all applications, Balluff SmartLevel sensors never need cleaning. For the first time, a capacitive sensor can operate accurately for an indefinite period of time without false triggering, regardless of material build-up on the sensor or in or on the container.