May 6 2009
Research and Markets has announced the addition of John Wiley and Sons Ltd's new report "Liquid Chromatography Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry" to their offering.
Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry identifies the elements of a compound by subjecting a sample of ions to a strong electrical field. Illuminating emerging analytical techniques in high-resolution mass spectrometry, Liquid Chromatography Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry illustrates how to analyze unknown and emerging contaminants using advanced mass spectrometry techniques. The text combines theoretical discussion with concrete examples, making it suitable for analytical chemists, environmental chemists, organic chemists, medicinal chemists, university research chemists, and graduate and post-doctorate students.
Key Topics Covered:
Part I: Principles and Theoretical Aspects of Accurate Mass.
- Accurate Mass Measurements with Orthogonal Axis Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (John C. Fjeldsted).
- The Mass Defect, Isotope Clusters, and Accurate Mass for Elemental Determination (E. Michael Thurman and Imma Ferrer).
Part II: Tools for Unknown Identification using Accurate Mass.
- Ion Compostions Determined with Increasing Simplicity (Andrew H. Grange and G. Wayne Sovocool).
- Use and Existence of Accurate Mass Databases and Elemental Composition Tools for Target and Non-Target Analyses (Imma Ferrer and E. Michael Thurman).
- Use of UPLC-(Q)-TOF-MS for Rapid Screening of Organic Micropollutants in Water (Felix Hernandez, Juan V. Sancho and Maria Ibanez).
- The Use of Accurate Mass, Isotope Ratios and MS/MS for the Analysis of PPCPs in Water (Michael C. Zumwalt).
Part III: Applications of LC/TOF-MS for the identification of small molecules.
- Applications of LC/TOF-MS in the Environmental Field: When Did it Start and Where is it Going? (Imma Ferrer and E. Michael Thurman).
- Liquid Chromatography and Ambient Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Genuine and Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals (Facundo M. Fernandez, Christina Y. Hampton, Leonard Nyadong, Arti Navare, Mark Kwasnik).
- Quantitative Analysis of Veterinary Drug Residues by Sub 2 ?m Particulate High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Columns and Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-TOF)(Anton Kaufmann).
- Industrial Applications of Liquid Chromatography Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (Jeffrey R. Gilbert, Jesse L. Balcer, Scott A. Young, Dan A. Markham, Dennis O. Duebelbeis, and Paul Lewer).
- Comprehensive Toxicological and Forensic Drug Screening by LC/TOF-MS (Ilkka Ojanper, Anna Pelander and Suvi Ojanper).
- Application of UPLC/TOF-MS for Residue Analysis of Veterinary Drugs and Growth Promoting Agents in Products of Animal Origin (Alida (Linda) A.M. Stolker).
- Accurate Mass Measurements with a Reflectron Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer and the Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) Interface for the Identification of Unknown Compounds Below Masses of 500 Da (O. David Sparkman, Patrick R. Jones, Matthew Curtis).
- Comparison of LC/TOF-MS and LC/MS-MS for the Analysis of 100 Pesticides in Food: Finding the "Crossover Point" (E. Michael Thurman, Imma Ferrer, Paul A. Zavitsanos and Jerry A. Zweigenbaum).