Jun 1 2009
The Buildings Technology Center of the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory is joining an effort in Syracuse, N.Y., to gather information on the effectiveness of new energy efficient wall technologies.
Andre Desjarlais, an engineer with ORNL's buildings envelopes program, says the study is part of an effort to make buildings more energy efficient due to improved air tightness in the construction.
"A third of all the energy that we use to heat and cool our houses is lost through air leaking through our wall systems," says Desjarlais. "If we can make our systems more air tight, we can significantly increase our energy efficiency and reduce our energy bill."
With many new energy efficient technologies being introduced into the marketplace, Desjarlais says the study's purpose is straightforward.
"This involves evaluating them and coming up with recommendations as to what is the best and most cost effective way to accomplishing this air tightness," Desjarlais adds.
ORNL is partnering with Syracuse University, the New York State Energy Office and the Air Barrier Association of America.
ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.