Noliac Helps Design a Pavillion with Smart and Sustainable Materials

Noliac Motion has cooperated with the Danish architecture firm 3XN to design a pavilion demonstrating cutting edge possibilities within sustainable and smart materials for The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. The result is a pavilion built of bio composites with integrated intelligence that creates a dynamic interaction with its physical surroundings and its users.

Piezoelectric floor
In form, function, execution and life cycle, 3XN's Pavilion is an example of design based on biomimicry (from Greek bios, life, and mimesis, imitation). By imitating and being inspired by natural systems, we can develop processes and methods of design and architecture that will help to meet the basic human need for a roof over one's head in a sustainable way.

Noliac Motion has contributed with stacked ceramic multilayer actuators (SCMAs) in the floor. The floor is thus piezoelectric, which means it absorbs the energy from the people dancing on it and converts it into electricity. Solar panels and the piezoelectric floor thus provide the energy for the light setting of the pavilion.

The Pavilion meets three basic human needs: The need for shelter, for rest and for contact. The strip is both roof and bench - at the same time an experience of nature and space. It enters the cycle with a minimum use of new materials, all in a recyclable and fully biodegradable physical framework. It purifies the air like a tree by using the energy of the sun to break down pollutants. It produces its own energy in collaboration with the visitor.

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