Four R+D 100 Awards for Argonne National Labs

Researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory received four R+D 100 awards as judged by R+D Magazine.

"The Department of Energy's national laboratories are incubators of innovation, and I'm proud they are being recognized once again for their remarkable work," said Energy Secretary Steven Chu. "The cutting-edge research and development being done in our national labs is vital to maintaining America's competitive edge, increasing our nation's energy security, and protecting our environment. I want to thank this year's winners for their work and congratulate them on this award."

The awards recognize the top scientific and technological innovations of the past year. Argonne scientists have won 105 R+D 100 awards since they were first introduced in 1964.

"These awards are a testament to the hard work and ingenuity that have become a hallmark here at Argonne," Laboratory Director Eric Isaacs said. "The research that occurs at Argonne will help solve the great challenges facing our planet and usher in a better tomorrow."

This year's winners from Argonne are:

  • High Performance Software for Engineering and Science
  • Super hard and slick coating for increased engine efficiency and component reliability
  • The Hard X-ray Nanoprobe
  • Argonne/Envia composite electrode material technology for hybrid and all-electric vehicles

Beyond the four awards, Argonne scientists were part of a collaborative project to develop an artificial retina that won an R+D 100 Award. The project involved researchers from several other national laboratories, universities and other organizations.

Argonne representatives who contributed to the work include senior physicist Orlando Auciello, staff scientist Bing Shi and post doc Wei Li, who jointly won an award for the artificial retina bioelectric implant. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory was the submitting organization.

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