RubGreen to Produce Quality Secondary Rubber from Ground Tires

A start-up company RubGreen LLC is ready to begin producing higher quality secondary rubber from devulcanized rubber crumb. The new technology was proven to be economically viable and represent a breakthrough approach to efficient rubber recycling. Results of independent testing demonstrate that secondary rubber made from 100% unsegregated tire rubber crumb on unoptimized equipment consistently provides 1,200 - 1,400 psi of tensile strengths and 250% - 300% of elongation. These results would be substantially improved under industrial settings.

The Chair of Rubber Recycling Topical Group, Marvin Myhre, recently has pointed out a lack of higher quality secondary rubber: "Ground rubber, itself, is used for a lot of things but most are for lower end products. Necessary but lower end nonetheless. We need to see what can be done to continue to move the use higher on the value added ladder."

Validation and testing of RubGreen technologies were conducted at three fully independent testing facilities: Smithers Scientific Services, Inc. (Akron, OH), Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie e.V. (Hanover, Germany), Partec-Plastics & Rubber Technical Education Center (Brisbane, Australia).

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