H+H Aircrete Awarded 'Very Good' in New Responsible Sourcing Standard

H+H is the first company to achieve "very good" in the BES 6001:2008 Standard for the Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products. This means that all of its products from all manufacturing sites have gone through the exacting processes required to obtain this prestigious certification. The benefit to aircrete users is that this certification translates into the maximum 3 credits available on the Code for Sustainable Homes, which is the same available to a timber frame construction with an FSC certification scheme. The certification process is very complex and is broken into three sections:

  1. Organisational Management Requirements
  2. Supply Chain Management Requirements
  3. Environmental and Social Requirements

In order to satisfy all three sections, H+H had to prepare and provide data on both its own business and that of its suppliers, including:

  • Quality, environmental and health and safety management systems
  • Efficient use of energy and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Sustainable and efficient use of material resources and water
  • Ethical business practice and compliance with applicable laws and regulations
  • Demonstrating responsible site stewardship in relation to avoiding pollution and protecting the environment
  • Minimising the impact of transport associated with the delivery of the constituent materials used in manufacture, waste disposal and the delivery of products to our customers
  • Liaising with the local community of matters of mutual interest

Colin Cook, H+H Chief Scientist, commented, "H+H recognises the need to provide confidence to its customers, employees and other interested parties that materials used in product manufacture, transportation and other services associated with the business are responsibly sourced and that we operate in a sustainable and ethical manner."

Jenny Smith-Andrews, Marketing Communications Manager of H+H commented: "The BES standard allows for four levels of attainment: Pass; Good; Very Good and Excellent. By achieving a Very Good rating over all products and all sites, not only had H+H once again proved its commitment to sustainability and the environment, but has proved our efforts so far are both verifiable and recognised at the highest levels."

Victoria Blake, BRE Global Associate Director of materials commented: "We are delighted to be awarding H+H their Responsible Sourcing approval which illustrates their commitment to providing sustainable solutions. This recognition allows their customers to source with even greater confidence."

Mark Oliver, MD of H+H says: "We are thrilled to be the first company to achieve this 'Very Good' level. The team at H+H worked tirelessly with BRE on this project and has proved that even in these difficult economic times, the environment is still in the forefront of our company's values and objectives."

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