FEI Sell Phenom Range of Tabletop SEMs

FEI Company (NASDAQ: FEIC) announced that Phenom-World, a majority-owned subsidiary of NTS Group B.V. (NTS) of Eindhoven, The Netherlands, has acquired FEI's Phenom product line.

NTS has been FEI's manufacturing partner and was closely involved with the development of the innovative desktop scanning electron microscope before it was introduced in 2007. NTS will continue to manufacture the product, and Phenom-World will assume responsibility for marketing, sales and distribution of the product worldwide, as well as service and warranty repairs for the installed base.

FEI will retain a minority position in Phenom-World and will retain certain related intellectual property. FEI expects this transaction will have a minimal impact on its 2009 fourth quarter earnings and will have a modest positive impact in 2010. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

"This transaction is consistent with our division strategy of focusing on value-added solutions for specific industries and groups of customers such as natural resources," said Paul Scagnetti, vice president and general manager of FEI's Industry market division. "As we continue to develop individual applications, we will be able to purchase Phenoms from Phenom-World when it is appropriate for our customer needs. NTS will combine its manufacturing and engineering strengths with marketing and distribution of the product."

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