Jan 26 2010
This new online platform hosted on the Specialchem website is designed to publicize the scope and benefits of Arkema's specialty amine product line for thermoset resins. These resins are used in a large number of applications including adhesives, composites and paints.
Arkema's specialty amines such as DMAPAPA, TMPDA, DEAPA and APDEA* (latest addition to the product range) offer the advantage of a multipurpose behavior in two-component systems, as they play a role both in catalysis and in the formation of the three-dimensional network, hence avoiding some of the drawbacks of traditional catalysts.
These applicative benefits are described in a Techcenter hosted on the Specialchem website, where you can also order samples of these products as well as post technical enquiries.
These specialty amines are manufactured at Arkema's La Chambre facility in the Savoie region of France. This site benefited from major investment at the end of 2009 to keep pace with the growth in the sales of the two product lines produced on site, namely amines and oxygenated solvents. The amine range comprises ethylamines, isopropylamines, diethylhydroxylamine (DEHA), specialty amines, and applicative amines (foundry amines and Alpamine trademark range). The oxygenated solvents range mostly consists of hexylene glycol (HG, Hexasol trademark) methylisobutyl carbinol (MIBC), diacetone alcohol (DA), isophorone (IPHO), and methylisobutyl ketone (MIBK).