As part of Masteel UK Limited's ongoing commitment to the provision of high quality steel supply services, they have launched a new and much larger corporate website which will provide more useful product information to our existing and potential customers.
The site, which has been developed "in house" by our own developers over the last few months, has been designed specifically to improve the overall user experience. Masteel now have dedicated and comprehensive sections for all our steels with further emphasis being placed on value added services such as profiling and testing. We also include a new section on Dished Ends as Masteel UK Limited now supplies a complete supply solution for pressure vessel heads including torispherical and semi-ellipsoidal.

Steel information on our more common steels including pressure vessel, boiler quality and chrome moly has also been expanded upon. It is Masteel's intention for the website to grow further over the forthcoming months with new articles, product information and news.
Faster Page Access
Our website is now hosted on a dedicated web server which is on one of the fastest networks in the UK. This investment, coupled with coding and server practices to maximise page load speed, have resulted in an ultra fast website which provides enhanced browsing benefits for our clients.