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Tailored Package Helps US SME's Increase Their Exports

RL Consulting together with Export Marketing announces the introduction of the Export Business Development, EBD package for small to medium sized US businesses in the materials field. Using overseas online advertising, state of the art communications systems and multilingual marketing/sales staff, the multifaceted international marketing effort facilitates your rapid entry into the export market.

Advanced VOIP communications technology connects businesses to virtual overseas marketing and sales offices at a fraction of the costs typically incurred when renting actual office space and hiring personnel in each country. The EBD marketing and sales service allows even small to medium sized businesses on a limited budget to export their products overseas resulting in fast path business expansion.

Recently using elements of the EBD marketing formula, an US polymer manufacture offered its adhesives and sealants worldwide and saw its exports multiply many times over. The online advertising elements of the EBD package rapidly brought awareness of their products in overseas markets and included the following stages:

  1. Purchasing technical media in overseas online and print publications;
  2. Ssetting up a foreign language website and overseas phone numbers, emails and online Chat support
  3. Foreign language PPC marketing;
  4. Trade show attendance;
  5. Foreign language call center & pre-sale support;
  6. Overseas logistics and payment facilitation and
  7. A post-sale foreign language customer support call center.

Export Marketing Strategy overcomes cross border, cross language barriers with an experienced team of foreign nationals possessing inherent knowledge on how to engage potential clients in multi-cultural settings. "The best defense is a good offence" and the same goes for a company's business expansion strategy in the face of growing foreign competition. If your company feels that its products are as good as those of their global competitors, the Export Business Development package from Export Marketing Strategy will put the word out, worldwide, ahead of the competitors. To read more on how to grow your export business go to or contact export marketing specialist Evan Spero via [email protected]

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