European Commission officials, Members of the European Parliament and industry representatives came together in Brussels June 30 to discuss how National Renewable Energy Action Plans should be implemented over the coming months and years. They also reflected on how business can contribute to the adoption of green power and efficient energy technology in Europe.
The debate, organized by the Brussels-based think tank Friends of Europe in partnership with Dow Corning Solar Solutions, coincides with the deadline for the EU Member States to present their plans to the European Commission, detailing their strategies for reaching the 2020 renewable energy targets.
Speakers include:
- Philip Lowe, European Commission Director General for Energy
- Paul Magnette, Minister for Climate and Energy, Belgium
- Adam Brown, Senior Energy Analyst, International Energy Agency, Paris
- Paul Rübig MEP, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
- Eric Peeters, Vice President and Global Executive Director, Dow Corning Solar Solutions
“As Member States submit their plans, industry and government must work together to ensure that the right tax, policy and political frameworks are in place in both the medium and long-term to meet the targets,” said Peeters.
There are a series of concrete challenges in the energy sector that need to be overcome to make it worthwhile for other companies like Dow Corning to invest in Europe and to achieve the ambitious goals that have been set.
Dow Corning recently announced investments of more than four billion Euros to research, develop, and expand the production of materials critical to the solar industry at a global level. The company will be investing 36 million Euros in Belgium with more than 10 million Euros of this amount being deployed towards the creation of a Solar Energy Exploration & Development Center in Seneffe.
“Europe has been a pioneer for the solar industry and Dow Corning is excited to strengthen its capabilities in the European Union, where many of our customers and innovation collaborators in the scientific community are located,” said Peeters. “This investment confirms our intention to be actively involved with researchers, producers and governments and demonstrates our commitment to help solar become a competitive and sustainable energy option globally.”
Dow Corning Solar Solutions provides materials and services for the entire photovoltaic supply chain, from silicon feedstock for ingot and wafer production to solar module assembly materials. It is leveraging its unique position and global leadership in the silicon and silicone value chain to deliver solutions that will make a difference in the photovoltaic industry and help photovoltaic producers fulfill the mid- and long-term promises of solar energy.