Radiant Chosen as Ascent Solar’s Distribution Partner in China

Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:ASTI), a developer of flexible thin-film solar modules, announced today that Radiant Holding Limited will begin distribution of Ascent Solar’s lightweight, flexible, high-power thin-film CIGS modules for building integrated (BIPV), automotive and portable power solutions in China.

The agreement with Radiant gives Ascent Solar access to multiple market segments in China’s emerging solar market including direct integration into Radiant’s line of building materials for residential and commercial solutions. Radiant plans to install Ascent modules on its metal roofing demonstration site immediately in order to demonstrate the unique characteristics of Ascent Solar’s flexible, lightweight CIGS modules to its customers.

Ascent Solar President and CEO Farhad Moghadam stated, “We are pleased to announce our agreement with Radiant. This relationship will give us access to a very large and rapidly growing market for BIPV applications in China. We also expect that other products in our lineup of flexible, lightweight CIGS modules will be marketed through this relationship. Radiant has a sound building materials business and is an excellent partner to have for distribution of our products in China.”

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