Oct 13 2010
Uniscan Instruments have announced the introduction of Version 3.32 of the UiEChemTM Research Electrochemistry software package. The latest version features a Peak Analysis routine which is both easy to use but utilises sophisticated routines and algorithms to provide a comprehensive data analysis package. The routines are accessible from the main software package and do not require the data to be exported. This latest version can treat data from single cycle, multi-cycle and multi-channel experiments.
The software allows the user to select a peak to analyse and then provides tools to easily manipulate the baseline and the data included in the analysis. The peak analysis facility is available in all the standard electrochemistry experiments.
The analysis routine simply entails dragging a 'rubber rectangle' around the tip of the peak that is to be analysed. The software automatically selects the data relating to the peak and the software will determine the baseline and then calculate and display all the peak analysis parameters.
Once the data area has been identified the user has the option to edit that selected data by:
• Extending the baseline but keeping the slope fixed.
• Changing the baseline's vertical position.
• Changing the baseline's slope
• Redefining baseline position based on data
• Analyse multiple peaks and/or cycles.
All instruments in the range, which include the PG581 portable potentiostat, BiStat 3200 bi-potentiostat, PG580RM multi-channel potentiostat and 3100 high power potentiostat, are now shipping with a copy of the latest version.
Upgrades from current versions are, at this time, free of charge for registered users and available from the website at http://www.uniscan.com/dl/login.php