Greycon Installs X-Trim Solution at Cosmo Films, India

Greycon Ltd., a world leader in supply chain optimisation for the paper, printing, film and nonwovens industries, today announced the successful go-live of the X-Trim solution at Cosmo Films, covering the operations at two sites in India.

This is the first Greycon installation in India, which strengthens the global position of Greycon and consolidates X-Trim's functional fit to the operations and optimisation issues of the plastic films industry.

Cosmo Films is a global player in the BOPP Films and Thermal Laminates sector, with manufacturing facilities in the U.S., Europe, Korea and Japan in addition to those in India. X-Trim was selected by Cosmo after careful evaluation, considering the context of their operations, ease of data entry or interface with SAP. A trial produced convincing evidence that X-Trim would deliver value and that the users would be able to rapidly exploit the system. Following the trial, the implementation took less than 6 weeks.

Using X-Trim, Cosmo Films is successfully handling all primary slitting optimisation and also integrating the optimisation of the secondary slitting, metallisers and thermal coating. One key issue in these scenarios is the need to minimise the number of parent reels generated for input into these secondary processes in order to minimise the number of setups, bearing in mind the need to have wide enough reels to make better use of the secondary machines' width without penalising the width utilisation at the primary lines. The demand can be for many orders – more than 30 in some cases, and for widely different amounts. With the use of X-Trim this complex problem combining conflicting objectives is handled in one single pass and the results are outstanding.

Additionally, all the results of released solutions are kept in a statistics/analytics table. With X-Trim's reporting capabilities, Cosmo Films can precisely report on KPIs such as average slitting width utilisation and off-cuts utilisation over a given period. A small set of custom reports were prepared for Cosmo using Crystal Reports.

Mr. SK Dutta, General Manager (Marketing Services) of Cosmo Films, commented, "It has been a few weeks since X-Trim went live and we are already seeing value in terms of reduced trim losses and width utilisation. The solution has taken the order management and slitting planning within Cosmo Films to a different level. Our planners were able to leverage the new solution with ease, its powerful reporting and what-if capability have made a significant impact on our decision making. We are already exploring possibilities of implementing the solution in our international operations."

Commenting on the new implementation, Greycon CEO Dr. Constantine Goulimis said, "I am very pleased to announce Greycon's successful entry into India. Given the rise of India as a major force in the global economy, India is a very important region for us and we are very pleased that this has started with a prestigious company like Cosmo Films. The installation demonstrates the world-wide footprint of our state-of-the-art products and the increasing presence of Greycon in the plastic films industry."

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