Recent Lab Tests Confirm Defog It Antifog's High Performance

In a recent field test study of Defog It antifog for fog prevention on safety glasses, 80% of surveyed employees at the Cristal Global Millennium Inorganic Chemical complex in Ashtabula, Ohio, said they wore their safety eyewear more when using the product, and 100% of them credit Defog It for helping them work more safely.

In addition, the workers gave Defog It antifog a rating of 9.0 for fog-prevention effectiveness on a 10-point scale.

Chemical plant workers gave Defog It antifog a rating of 9.0 for fog-prevention effectiveness on a 10-point scale.

The Cristal Global workplace environment is subject to heat, cold, humidity and temperature change that can cause safety glasses, goggles and faceshields to fog up. Half the workers said that fogging is a frequent problem for them and all of them experience some fogging. In addition, all the workers stated that fogging causes a safety problem for them, and 8 of 10 admitted that fogging causes them to remove their safety eyewear.

This data echoes an independent study1 in which focus groups named fogging the Number One vision-related reason for not wearing protective eyewear in the workplace. Antifog is the solution suggested by more focus groups in the research than incentives, warning signs, eyewear cleaning stations, or as a condition of employment.

“Fogged safety eyewear is a safety problem in many workplaces dealing with heat, cold and humidity. Defog It antifog is a proven solutions,” says John Swett, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Nanofilm, maker of Defog It.

First used by the military worldwide, Defog It is the proven safety choice in the toughest workplace environments where heat, cold, humidity and exertion cause fogged safety eyewear. It’s used in utilities, pulp and paper, mining, chemical processing, forestry, law enforcement and other industries. The product is safe and effective on safety glasses, goggles and faceshields.

Lab tests also confirm the antifog’s high performance. In one test, a lens treated with Defog It was held over constant hot steam for 60 minutes without fog forming. Similar products failed in as little as 5 minutes. In another test, lenses coated with Clarity Defog It were moved between cold and hot environments 100 times without fog forming.

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