Feb 1 2011
EPI Group of Companies (EPI), the global leader of oxo-biodegradable plastic additives, is pleased to announce that it has expanded its laboratory capabilities to include state-of-the art equipment for quickly and accurately determining the presence and addition rate of their Totally Degradable Plastic Additive (TDPA™).
“We are pleased to offer this service to our customers and end-users to ensure the correct level of additive has been added to the finished products, the packaging is genuinely oxo-biodegradable and as an anti-counterfeiting measure. EPI offers this service free of charge,” says Joseph G. Gho, CEO and Chairman, EPI Group of Companies.
EPI evaluated various options, including hand-held units, but found that the hand-held units did not have the accuracy needed to accurately determine addition rates. Aside from the accuracy issue, the hand-held unit readings are affected by many factors such as film thickness, composition and calibration issues which tend to make the readings unreliable. There may also be specific safety training requirements for technicians using these devices. Hand-held units are expensive and EPI does not feel there is sufficient value, based on the limitations of these units, to justify the high cost for a manufacturer or end-user to implement.
EPI strives to offer its customers the best possible service and support. Please feel free to contact EPI and enquire about this new capability.