The GPRubber™ is a synthetic rubber made from mixing common polymers of high quality to achieve a basic composition of durable, high quality rubber material.
Rubber Sheet Roll developed GPRubber™ in response to a high demand in recent years for a rubber material that would cover a range of applications but remain competitively priced.
New research by Rubber Sheet Roll shows that the need for a rubber that encompasses a wider range of industrial and commercial applications is a must in today’s economy. The driving force behind most rubber purchases are the right fit for the right application. Tensile strength, elasticity, temperature concerns and thermal stability over temperature cycles are key to most rubber sheet requirements. The ability to withstand those variations in environmental and mechanical forces places the GPRubber™ at the top of most rubber specification lists.
GPRubber™ is black in color, has smooth surfaces on both sides of the material and is available in thicknesses ranging from 1/32” to 3”. Since Rubber Sheet Roll is a major supplier of custom cut rubber, the widths and lengths can vary greatly depending on the size constraints of the job application. The GPRubber™ material can be used as a stand alone solution for the most rigorous applications and solve issues in the simplest form.