Nine SMT laboratories have earned HSBI approval to perform materials testing on products and weld-test coupons to the Pressure Equipment Directive PED 97/23/EC.
This European approval is relevant for European or American-made boilers, piping, tubes, welds, and other products used in Europe in the shipbuilding, power generation, and increasingly, the United States nuclear power industries.
SMT's HSBI-approved laboratories represented in all U.S. geographical regions
The nine approved SMT laboratories provide testing coverage from coast-to-coast. The list is as follows:
- Stork Technimet, Inc. - New Berlin, Wisconsin
- Stork Climax Research Services - Wixom, Michigan
- Stork Herron Testing Laboratories - Cleveland, Ohio
- Stork Herron Testing Laboratories - Charlotte, North Carolina
- Stork Materials Testing & Inspection - Huntington Beach, California
- Stork Materials Testing & Inspection - Rancho Dominguez, California
- Stork Testing & Metallurgical Consulting - Houston, Texas
- Stork MMA Laboratories - Newtown, Pennsylvania
- Stork Twin City Testing - St. Paul, Minnesota
HSBI PED 97/23/EC an important approval in Europe and United States
SMT Quality Director David Luoni said, "This is a significant approval for SMT because it means that we can better serve both our overseas customers and our U.S. customers who are in the European market.
"But, HSBI approval is about our American energy future, as well. The world is reacting to both rising oil prices and increased regulation of other energy sources, specifically nuclear power. We have come to understand that we need to have quality support systems in place, up and running to help our customers meet the tough standards these industries demand. More and more, everyone's future is about power generation and more rigorous quality requirements to safely and successfully achieve it. This important approval from Hartford Steam Boiler is a big step toward providing greater total support to our clients and we are very proud to have achieved it."
Ready to support manufacturing, shipbuilding, utilities, nuclear customers
According to the letter of approval received from Hartford Steam Boiler International GmbH in Quarter 1, approval of SMT laboratories is based on sampled visits to the laboratories in which the facilities' capability to perform testing in accordance with PED 97/23/EC was demonstrated. In addition, recognition of the SMT quality system as certified to ISO/IEC 17025 was part of approval criteria. HSBI approval was effective as of January 17, 2011.