GCiS China Strategic Research has released a new report on the titanium dioxide (Ti02) market in China. It includes an assessment of key suppliers, market size, market structure, consumption, distribution, pricing trends, value chains and five-year projections.
Study reveals that China’s titanium dioxide market was worth about RMB 27 billion in 2010 and showed an average growth rate of 8% in the same year. The study also analyzes the domestic sales of anatase and rutile Ti02 by the Chinese and international firms that take out, extract and import pigment from the material. China is the largest market in the world and it contributes nearly one-third of international demand.
The major reason for increase in price and revenue is scarcity of extenders and substitutes and it is estimated that there has been a deficit of 200 to 300 kT in 2010.
Major trends of the market include increase in domestic supply capacity, higher implementation of chloride processing and rise in pricing. It is expected that Ti02 extenders and alternatives will have higher acceptance by customers, while research and development in synthetic products will achieve greater purchase.