Global Steel Production To Rise 5 Percent This Year

Last year, world crude steel output expanded by almost 9 percent. In 2005 the increase is likely to be around half that amount at 1100 million tonnes.

MEPS - Global Crude Steel Production Estimate ('000 tonnes)

Region 2004 2005 (e)
EU 25 193480 192000
Other Europe 31714 32200
Former USSR 111745 111350
NAFTA 132821 133850
South America 45872 46400
Africa 16647 16900
Middle East 14259 14800
China 270088 315000
Japan 112717 113000
Other Asia 112847 116200
Oceania 8284 8300
Total 1050474 1100000

Blastfurnace ironmaking is expected to reach 757 million tonnes in 2005 - up by 40 million tonnes on the year earlier figure. We predict DRI output rising to 55.3 million tonnes - 2 percent above 2004.

Asian steel manufacturers will be responsible for most of the improvement in steel making this year. In fact, we expect 90 percent of the increase to come from Chinese producers as recently installed equipment is brought up to full capacity.

High inventories at the consumers and stockholders in the EU have prompted the mills to cut back on output by bringing forward plant refurbishments in the second and third quarters. A reduction of supply of 1.5 million tonnes in anticipated in 2005, year on year, as a result.

A decline is also likely this year in the countries making up the former USSR. This will be brought about by a reduction in export sales.

Further expansion in steel production is anticipated in all the remaining regions of the world. However, the growth rate is likely to be small in percentage terms in other Europe, NAFTA, South America, Africa and Japan.

World Steel Outlook

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