Aug 26 2011
This high resolution spectrometer for emission, luminescence, Raman (strained Silicon), and high temperature plasmas easily measures better than 0.02 nanometer full width half maximum spectra. McPherson's high resolution spectrometer, Model 2061, is now available for scanning and imaging applications via two dimensional CCD or CMOS detectors. The one meter focal length spectrometer features bilaterally adjustable slits, multiple entrance and exit port locations, and high precision wavelength drive for unparallel reproducibility. Capability to mount large, high angle Echelle type diffraction gratings is built in. The large, 50mm wide focal plane is readily accessible.
Oversize McPherson Snap-In gratings fitting the one meter Model 2061 provide 40% more diffractive ruled area. Matching, focusing and collimating optics provide excellent light throughput and operation with f/7 aperture. The patented Snap-In gratings are easily interchangeable. Many diffraction gratings are available to tailor systems for a wide-spectral range or desired spectral resolution. Spectral resolution with a ten micron entrance slit and a 1200g/mm grating is better than 0.02nm full width half maximum.
The 1-meter focal length Model 2061 provides the traditional blend of throughput and spectral resolution. These instruments are staples of laboratory and experimental spectroscopy. We offer this unit with an f/7 aperture ratio in two versions. The most popular uses spherical optics. An "A" version is also available. It uses hand polished master off-axis parabolic optics to best image small entrance images.
Used in air the spectral range of these instruments extends from 185-nm to 78-µm, and with vacuum down to 105-nm (depends on the grating.) For intermediate ranges a purge gas can be used (Nitrogen, for example.) McPherson SNAP IN gratings allow the alignment-free use of many different gratings. Easily view a wider spectral range or obtain higher resolution! It is possible to retrofit years later and not have to worry about alignment with the McPherson SNAP IN approach. The dual grating turret also accepts these easy to exchange gratings.
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