Ocean Thin Films, a subsidiary of Halma and a designer and producer of precision optical coatings, components and assemblies, is now offering PixelTec patterned optical coating applied to indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films.
The innovative lithographic patterning of optical coating technology maintains the high quality of the sputtered ITO coatings and delivers sharp features. PixelTec microlithography technology allows patterning of ITO as well as Index Matched ITO (IMITO) without the shortcomings of the traditional ablation or etching techniques. The ITO patterning can be done without any damage to the substrate and various other coatings. The process offers several advantages, including clean and sharp micron-scale patterning, provides environmentally durable coatings and optically transparent and electrically conductive thin films. The method works well with tiny structures to guarantee electrical integrity on the smallest of line widths.
ITO patterns can be used along with other optical filters and multiple patterns can be applied over the same substrate. High performance patterned ITO optical coatings can be applied to Solderable busbars for easy electrical connections. PixelTec patterned ITO coatings from Ocean Thin Films provide excellent electrical resistance and optical transmission properties. In addition, they offer optimum performance in a wide range of applications, including activation electrodes, touch panels and EMI or RFI shielded windows.