Shimadzu Scientific Instruments has published the latest edition of its LC World Talk newsletter, which focuses on the LCMS-8030 ultra-fast triple quadrupole mass spectrometer.
The issue highlights the next-generation technology incorporated in the LCMS-8030 such as the patented UFsweeper and ultra-fast multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) acquisition. UFsweeper accelerates product ions out of the collision cell to prevent the sensitivity losses and cross talk that are observed on other systems. Ultra-fast MRM transitions enable data acquisition with up to 500 different channels per second.
An application note in this issue details the use of the LCMS-8030 for detecting melamine in food products. It concludes that the triple quad method for analyzing melamine is more than five times faster than conventional methods, with a run time under 60 seconds.
LC World Talk also includes an article discussing how to analyze impurities in pharmaceuticals by using 2D-LC/LCMS-IT-TOF. Additionally, the current issue spotlights the Nexera UHPLC and Shimadzu's new iPad Control for HPLC.
To download an electronic copy of LC World Talk, visit
About Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc.
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (SSI) is the American subsidiary of Shimadzu Corporation, headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. Founded in 1875, Shimadzu is a $2 billion multinational corporation with three major divisions: Medical Diagnostics, Aerospace/Industrial, and Analytical Instruments. The Analytical Division is one of the world's largest manufacturers of analytical instrumentation and environmental monitoring equipment. In 1975, SSI corporate headquarters was established in Columbia, Md. to provide analytical solutions to laboratories in North, Central, and parts of South America. In the U.S., SSI has a network of more than 50 locations providing local and regional sales, service, and technical support.