Nov 16 2011
This Special Issue will be dedicated to the science and technology of energy conversion and storage. Research articles based on material presented during the 58th AVS Symposium Energy Frontiers Sessions are especially welcome.
However, the special issue will be open to all articles on the science and technology of energy conversion and storage even if they were not presented at this conference. Articles are solicited in topics ranging from all types of photovoltaics and photocatalysis to materials and thin films for energy conversion and storage including nanostructured materials such as nanoparticles and nanowires.
Of particular interest are articles on
- Fundamental interfacial and surface science of materials for energy conversion and storage
- Electron transfer processes at interfaces
- Excitonic solar cells including dye-sensitized and quantum-dot solar cells
- Organic solar cells
- Applications of plasmonics in energy conversion
- Thermophotovoltaics and thermoelectrics
- Thin films for energy conversion and storage
- Transparent conducting oxides
- Thin films for solar fuels
- Lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells
- Traditional and emerging solar cell technologies including, crystalline, polycrystalline and thin film silicon, CdTe, chalcogenides (CIGS, CZTS), multijunction devices
- Materials for nuclear energy.
Papers will be reviewed using the same criteria as regular JVST articles and must meet JVST standards for both technical content and written English. To be published in JVST, the manuscript must:
- Present original findings, conclusions or analysis that have not been published previously
- Be free of errors and ambiguities,
- Support conclusions with data and analysis,
- Written clearly, and
- Have high impact in its field.
Manuscript deadline - January 15, 2012