Teijin has used a fluorine-based coating in the novel lithium ion secondary batteries (LIBs) separator. This coating ensures greater adhesion and heat resistance for significant output enhancements and safety in laminated LIBs for smartphones and tablets.
Currently, Teijin will provide two types of new Lielsort brand separators, the company’s high heat-resistant separator developed during 2007. Teijinconex meta-aramid has been coated on this product and it provides energy density, unique potential, improved safety and lifetime for liquid-electrolyte cylindrical LIBs that are utilized in vehicles and PCs.
Lielsort has improved the output by approximately 20% than normal LIBs and can be integrated with a high-capacity positive electrode for expanding the lifespan of the battery by many times. These LIBs can to be used in several applications that include vehicles and tablets. The sales target of Teijin for its new separator business is 20 billion yen by 2020.
The company has utilized its knowledge in polymeric chemistry in order to form the world's first coating technology that coats separator’s two sides simultaneously. A high-speed coating technology was developed that is five times quicker than normal coating. More efficient production has been enabled by these two technologies.
Teijin has formed Teijin CNF Korea, a separator manufacturing company in South Korea, to help for full-scale commercialization. The production will be commenced by the company along with its join venture CHF, a major film processor, during June 2012. In order to sell two separators, Teijin formed Teijin Electronics Korea.
The new Lielsort separators have been approved by main battery producers and are ready for first shipments. Teijin will speed up the production and work in order that Lielsort is established as the de facto standard for future LIB specifications.